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Seeing Circles

by Jasmine Tan |

Lately we've been seeing circles everywhere and we're loving it. What's not to love about a perfect curve that completes a circle, never knowing where it starts and ends, just round and round. Staring at circles-- Highly therapeutic!

Circles are showing up in all these fun products that we're seeing and just thought we'd share what we're loving! 

Circle Mirror

And it also got us thinking...

Circles are more than just a pretty geometric shape. Just think about how a circle connects us to the universe and in turn, what it symbolizes. Circles represent the Earth, the Moon, they symbolize unity, think wedding band, circle of friends. Circles feature prominently in art, architecture and science. Imagine what life would be like if the wheel was never invented. The Colisseum, the Guggenheim, ancient crop circles, all take root from this very simple shape.

<a href="">Watercolor vector created by Milano83 -</a>

It's easy to see the attraction to everything circle, and we're loving it. Such a humble shape but such powerful significance. So bring on the circular earrings and circle totes. We are so ready!




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